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What is eNPS?
Entromy Support avatar
Written by Entromy Support
Updated over a week ago

The Entromy platform allows you to add an eNPS question (Employee Net Promoter Score) to your survey.

Employee Net Promoter Score is on a scoring scale from -100 to 100, and assesses the question: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend (company) as a great place to work?"

NPS is a very common measure for both customer and employee experience. The eNPS calculation you'll see in Entromy's reporting is the % of promoters minus the % of detractors, following the below definitions:

  • Promoters: People who responded 9 or 10

  • Passives: People who responded 7 or 8

  • Detractors: People who responded 0 - 6

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