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Insights from the home dashboard
Insights from the home dashboard
Entromy Support avatar
Written by Entromy Support
Updated over a week ago

Covered in this article:

Reviewing the dashboard

After a survey has launched, and the minimum number of survey respondents has been reached (typically 3-5 depending on security settings), reporting will become available in the platform. The homepage will now show the reporting dashboard.

The dashboard includes overall scores in the upper left, as well as breakouts for the highest and lowest scores. Additionally, if a prior survey was included as a reference, the scores will also include a comparison to the prior survey. These changes are indicated by arrows.

Understanding dashboard scores

  • For question-based scores, the reflect the % of survey respondents that answered “strongly agree” or “agree” to a statement. For example, if 60 out of 100 survey respondents responded that they “strongly agree” or “strongly disagree” with a statement, then the score for that question is 60%.

  • For comment-based scores, the comments reflect a weighted-based scoring system.

The scores are calculated through our AI-based comment crowd-sourcing.

As users take surveys that include free-form text options, they are invited to provide their own comments or select a similar statement from a prior participant. When a new comment is generated, we initially assign 5 points to the comment’s score. If a survey participant chooses to accept a recommended related comment, then the comment is also given an additional 5 points.

As the survey continues, prior participants' comments are shown to other survey takers for additional feedback, where they can “strongly agree” or “strongly disagree” with statements. Based on their responses, we add up to +3 points for “strongly agreeing” and deduce up to -3 points for “strongly disagreeing” with a comment. The comments that users are shown are based on a random sample of current comments. Our technology will continue to show other participant’s comments to survey takers until the comment’s score falls below zero.

Once a survey is launched and the minimum-security threshold is reached, both trending topics and trending comments will start to appear on the dashboard in the lower right-hand area of the dashboard. Note that hovering over the question will display the full comment text for longer comments, as shown below:

Tracking opportunities

The Entromy platform enables leaders to track and assign key employee engagement initiatives. Our platform enables this tracking through the opportunities option, located in the upper right-hand corner of the main dashboard:

These tracked opportunities often arise from employee’s open-ended comments in prior surveys.

Clicking into the opportunities area of the dashboard leads to the opportunity tracking window. From here, opportunities can be assigned owners or can change status:

The topics associated with an opportunity are also visible in this area as well, by clicking on the topics column to see an expanded view. Topics associated with an opportunity can be added and edited in this area:

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