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What are question types?
Entromy Support avatar
Written by Entromy Support
Updated over a week ago

Question types determine the type of question format.

Fixed answer questions allow users to respond using a scale that ranges from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree,” as show below:

Statement questions allow for users to input free-form text, which Entromy’s platform will analyze using our artificial intelligence and natural language processing capabilities. An example of a statement question is below:

List select questions are used as part of our Organizational Network Analysis questions. List select allows for participants to chose other nominees from the user file.

Note: for list select questions, the Entromy platform has both the opportunity to allow users to nominate others ("write-in") or add users that can be nominated but will not receive the survey.

NPS question types allow for eNPS question types, with a scale ranging from 0 to 10:

Other question types include numerical, and yes/no.

Additional questions? Contact support.

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