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How do I set up kiosk mode for employees that I cannot reach via email?
How do I set up kiosk mode for employees that I cannot reach via email?
Entromy Support avatar
Written by Entromy Support
Updated over a week ago

For many organizational health diagnostic surveys, not all employees have, or regularly use, corporate email accounts. The use of personal email accounts or mobile are also not options.

Therefore, one alternative that Entromy offers is kiosk mode.

Kiosk mode allows employees to participate by entering their unique code into a single, provided URL so they can enter their unique code to participate. Kiosk mode can be initiated in several ways: through central terminal stations, iPads or other tablet devices provided for employee feedback.

Preparing for kiosk mode is straightforward but requires the following upfront considerations:

  • How will the employees access the link the Entromy platform (via shared workstations, provided links to the survey through flyers, etc)?

  • How will we communicate to these employees the instructions on how to access the link (via flyers, townhalls, direct communications, etc.)?

1) Introduction to kiosk mode:

For most Entromy surveys, employees will receive a direct link to their email inboxes that contains their unique survey link. When email is not possible, a kiosk option is available to allow employees to access (or have already received) a single link that will prompt them for their unique kiosk code.

An example of kiosk mode is shown below -- as noted below in the image, the participant is asked to "enter your code to complete the survey"

How to set up for kiosk mode:

1) Important: establish, communicate, and verify the kiosk codes that employees will use to log-in to the survey link.

  • As a best practice, this code should be a code that the employee that the employee is highly familiar with or has easy access to, including:
    - Employee ID number, badge number, etc. (highly recommend)
    - First four letters of last name + last four of SSN
    - Last name + start date (MM/YYYY)

  • The most imperative concern when setting a kiosk code for employees is that it is easily understood and there is no risk of duplication of kiosk codes.

2) Input kiosk codes by employee into the user file.

  • In the user file, input the kiosk codes for employees into the column 'Kiosk Code' as part of a user file upload

  • For users who do not have an email address, populate the Email column of your user file with a unique placeholder email address for each user, for example:,,and so on

  • Additionally, in your user file, you can designate each participant's primary contact method: Email, SMS, All, or None. If you're running a survey in kiosk mode only (you don't want to send survey notification emails or SMS notifications to your participants when your survey launches), you can set each participant's contact method to 'none'. Add a column with a header of 'Contact Method' to your user file, then use a value of 'none' for any participant who should not receive a notification when your survey launches.

Note: You'll need to re-set your users' contact method if you'd like to send email or SMS launch notifications for future surveys.

3) When the survey is ready to launch, the next step is finding the kiosk mode link. This is done through the following:

Navigate to Configure --> Surveys --> And select 'Instances' for the intended survey:

Under the survey instance, select the wrench icon:

Then select 'Kiosk Mode'

Selecting kiosk mode will load the kiosk location for the new survey:

Important note:

The url in the upper left (circled in yellow, and in this example is is the common url that all employees should use for that survey instance. Each survey instance will have a unique kiosk code. This url should be provided to employees or their survey managers to complete the survey by entering their kiosk codes.

Frequently asked question:

  • Can employees receive both an email and also have the option to use kiosk mode? Yes, as long as a kiosk code was provided for them in the user file

Additional questions? Contact support.

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